Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Where's My Choice?

When we hear about the abortion debate, the words “choice” and “a woman’s right to choose” fairly often. But, I believe, that in medical community, a woman’s “choice” stops with abortion.

I just found out recently that I’m pregnant with my 4th child. And, after having 3 C-sections, I was seriously considering having this child naturally, otherwise known as a VBAC. However, after doing some research, my state apparently doesn’t give woman much of a “choice” in the matter.  Most Doctors in my state won’t even consider letting a woman try a VBAC after 1 pregnancy, much less 4. And even Midwives & Doula’s would have to work closely with a Doctor, before my state would allow them to work with me, which, as you can imagine, doesn’t happen very often. However, to the Doctors’ credit, most of them have their hands tied, with most medical malpractice insurances, not covering them if something does go wrong. I really don’t blame the Doctors. I blame the system.

After finding all of this information out, I wasn’t just frustrated with the situation, I was mad.  Realizing that, if I wanted to “terminate my pregnancy”, or as I like to call it, murder my child, that wouldn’t be a problem. Because, you see, that would be my “choice”.  It doesn’t matter that the risk of abortion is higher, than the risk of my potentially natural delivery. Because I don’t have a choice! Abortion has never been about a woman’s choice, or women’s rights. It’s always been about what’s convenient.  There is really something wrong in the medical community, when a Doctor, if they so “choose” ß there’s the word again, has more leeway to terminate a pregnancy, than to encourage a natural one.

Really, at the end of day, no matter how I deliver this child, he/she will be here in 9 months. And, although I may not have much of a “choice” with my delivery, there is one thing that I will always choose. And that is LIFE!

God Bless,

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